$1.25 Million Donation Presented to Canadian Cancer Society at 2019 Golden Daffodil Ball

For Immediate Release

$1.25 Million Donation Presented to Canadian Cancer Society at 2019 Golden Daffodil Ball
$1.25 Million Donation Presented to Canadian Cancer Society at 2019 Golden Daffodil Ball

Toronto, April 13, 2019 – A cheque for $1.25 million dollars was presented to Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) at the 2019 Golden Daffodil Ball last night. This donation, made by an anonymous donor, is the largest single donation CCS has received from the Chinese Canadian community, and reportedly also the largest single donation from any community.
The 22nd Golden Daffodil Ball, organized annually by Golden Donation Endowment Canadian Chinese Outreach (GDECCO), was held last night at Sheraton Parkway Toronto North Hotel to raise funds for Canadian Cancer Society. The ball with the theme “Fascinator Night”, a night of beautiful and fascinating hats, was co-chaired by Ms Marianne Siu and Ms. Ida Li. On top of the $1.25 million dollars donation, the ball raised well over $100,000 for Canadian Cancer Society.
Mr. Bammy Wong, Co-Chair of GDECCO, says that over the past few years, many GDECCO volunteers have witnessed the impact of cancer on family members or friends. They recognize the importance of cancer research. Through close communication with CCS, they are convinced that CCS has the experience to ensure that donations are used wisely to make the most impact on cancer. They are very impressed by their thorough approach in identifying, evaluating and granting cancer research projects.
Bammy adds that, after working together as a team for almost a year, they are pleased to announce that they have successfully convinced a family from the Chinese Canadian community in Toronto to make a donation of $1.25 million dollars over the next three years. Reportedly, this is the largest donation ever received by CCS from a living donor.
Co-chair Ms Marianne Siu says that the charity event was established in 1998 by a group of caring and passionate volunteers from the Chinese Canadian community. Their mission is to raise money for Canadian Cancer Society, in support of cancer research initiatives and community education to raise cancer awareness. The donations raised at the ball in the previous 21 years, together with this year’s donations, have now pushed the total raised by GDECCO to $3.45 million dollars.
Co-chair Ms. Ida Li acknowledges the generous support of event sponsor Concord Adex Development Corporation for this annual event. She attributes the success of the gala to the tremendous teamwork of many dedicated volunteers. The spectacular evening featured a beautiful ballet performance by Martha Hicks School of Ballet, and included singing performances by Alan Cui as well as an opening dance by Georgia’s School of Dance.
Mr. Dennis Au-Yeung, Vice President of Concord Adex Development Corporation, also Co-Chair of GDECCO, thanks the dozens of volunteers who worked very hard to make the evening such a success. He also thanks all long-time supporters of the event, including many community leaders. Dignitaries attending this year’s gala included The former Lieutenant Governor of Manitoba, The Honorable Philip Lee, MP Jean Yip, Shaun Chen, Deputy Consul General Zhuang Yaodong of Consulate General of PRC in Toronto, City Councillors Alan Ho, and Castro Liu.
Mrs. Nancy Yarmel, Director of Leadership Philanthropy with Canadian Cancer Society, congratulates GDECCO on another successful gala. She says that cancer research and different initiatives making progress in cancer treatment programs are possible only through continual funding support.
Mr. Jeff Cornett, Executive Director Ontario of Canadian Cancer Society says that the Golden Daffodil Ball has a long standing and wonderful tradition of support for Canadian Cancer Society’s mission. He thanks GDECCO volunteers and adds that for 21 years the Ball has brought a community together in celebration and to ensure Canadians can live a longer and healthier life.

Golden Donation Endowment Canadian Chinese Outreach (GDE CCO)

In 2010, Golden Donation Endowment Canadian Chinese Outreach (GDE CCO) reached a partnership arrangement with Canadian Cancer Society, whereby the Golden Daffodil Ball would be organized as an independent event by a group of volunteers. Proceeds from the Golden Daffodil Ball and contributions from patrons would go to the Golden Daffodil Endowment Fund (GDEF) to support the mission of Canadian Cancer Society in research, prevention, and promoting awareness of cancer. In addition to the Daffodil Ball and other fundraising events, GDE CCO also organizes cancer prevention forums each year featuring medical professionals as speakers.


(4月13日多倫多訊) 金水仙基金會4月13日晚在2019年度的金水仙晚宴上, 向加拿大防癌協會送交了一筆125萬加元支票. 這筆龐大數額善款是由一位慷慨匿名者所捐贈. 是加拿大防癌協會從加拿大華人社區收到的最大筆個人捐贈. 據記錄上顯示, 此數目亦是各社區中個人最大的單一捐贈.
金水仙基金會為加拿大防癌協會籌募經費的第22屆<金水仙晚宴>已於4月13日在烈治文山市喜來登大酒店圓滿擧行. 今年度晚宴主題為 <華麗帽姿夜> Fascinator Night 這個亮麗浪漫而迷人的帽飾之夜, 由蕭淑銘女士及李秀梅女士擔任晚宴共同主席. 除了125萬加元的捐款之外, 當晚宴會還為加拿大防癌協會籌到超過10萬加元.
金水仙基金會共同主席王昆明先生表示, 過去幾年來, 金水仙基金會多名義工及志願者, 目睹及經歷癌症對家人和朋友的影響, 並重新認識癌症研究的重要性.通過和加拿大防癌協會密切溝通了解, 義工們認為加拿大防癌協會的經驗確保能明智地運用捐款對癌細胞症腫瘤治療及作最佳的科學研究. 加拿大防癌協會在識別, 評估和選擇癌症研究項目方面的周詳全面方法給金水仙基金會團隊留下深刻印象和好感.
王昆明先生補充說, 經過近一年的團隊合作無間, 非常高興,歡欣並興奮地宣佈, 來自加拿大華裔社區的一個家庭在未來3年認捐共125萬加元. 據資料顯示, 這是加拿大防癌協會從在世人士捐贈給該協會最大筆捐款.
晚宴共同主席蕭淑銘表示此慈善活動始於1988年由來自加拿大華人社區一群充滿愛心和熱心的志願人士組織而成. 其使命是為加拿大防癌協會籌募資金, 以支持癌症研究, 倡議推動全面社區教育, 提高癌症意識警覺. 在過去21年來, 金水仙晚宴上籌集的捐款數目, 已將金水仙基金會籌集的善款總額推高為345萬加元.
另一位晚宴共同主席李秀梅女士表揚協平嘉德發展有限公司作為今年度主題贊助, 慷慨支持. 深表謝意。
今次晚宴的成功, 有賴並歸功於衆多義工和強大團隊誠心誠意的合作. 這個成功的晚宴以 Martha Hicks 芭蕾舞學校的精彩絕倫舞蹈為晚宴特色. 其他節目包括加拿大葉氏合唱團 Alan Cui歌唱表演及由 Georgia’s Dance & Art Cultural Centre 一群活潑可愛小朋友以舞蹈為晚宴揭開序幕.
主題贊助協平嘉德發展有限公司副總裁歐陽健昌先生, 亦身兼金水仙基金會共同主席, 感謝數目衆多義工團隊, 和社區各方面凝聚力量, 齊心支持, 令金水仙會慈善晚宴得以成功. 亦感謝所有長期支持者包括許多社區領袖名人. 今年度參加盛會的貴賓有 : 曼尼托巴省前省督李紹麟 Philip Lee, 國會議員葉嘉麗, 陳聖源及中國駐多倫多總領館副總領事莊耀東, 市議員何胡景, 廖立暉.
加拿大防癌協會安省行政總裁 Mr. Jeff Cornett 稱金水仙晚宴有着悠久的歷史, 以優秀的傳統來支持加拿大防癌協會肩負的使命及重任. 感謝金水仙基金會董事會同人, 義工, 志願者.並補充說, 21 年來金水仙晚宴將社區人士聚集一起來慶祝加拿大居民能夠過着更健康生活, 擁有更長壽的生命
加拿大防癌協會慈善籌募總監 Nancy Yarmel 祝賀金水仙基金會再次成功擧辦這晚宴. 並表示癌症治療方面取得驕人成績,經由多方有效率地全面推行各項目進展計劃, 有賴通過持續的善長捐款, 才有可能實現各項計劃.

金水仙基金會 (GDE CCO)

2010年, 金水仙基金會 (GDE CCO) 與加拿大防癌協會達成協議, 以一個獨立組織籌辦金水仙晚宴, 並將所得善款撥入金水仙捐贈基金 (Golden Daffodil Endowment Fund- GDEF), 用作支持加拿大防癌協會在癌症研究, 預防及知識推廣的工作. 基金會的成員全部為義工, 除了致力籌辦金水仙晚宴及華人社區的籌款活動, 每年亦舉辦防癌講座, 邀請醫療專業人士主講, 積極在華人社區推廣有關癌症的知識。